Energy Clearing Testimonials

Lisa R., Duxbury, MA

Testimonials Energy Clearing Helping a Teen “Rosemarie’s work came to me through referral. I heard she was someone who knew about Muscle Testing. I was hoping to meet a holistic practitioner who could help my daughter with all the fear she had. My daughter would not talk to mainstream therapists. Since she was 3 or 4 years old, I noticed…

Marsha S., NY, NY

I am a massage therapist and live in NY City…I met Rosemarie at a Tapping Conference in Stamford, CT. We got talking about energy and I told her I felt the energy in my apartment was very dark in certain areas. My roommate was ill and a negative thinker. I hired Rosemarie to Clear the apartment. After the Clearing, I…

K. MacDonald, Hanover, MA

I started to see Rosemarie for a problem I was having. As we were talking one day, she asked me how I felt when I was in my room. I explained that I was never comfortable there and had a difficult time sleeping. I noticed there were certain particular areas in my room that made me extremely uncomfortable as well…

Ann Marie from Braintree, MA

The decision to meet Rosemarie has changed my life, and I am so glad that I went with my gut feelings and contacted her. I was riddled with anxiety, depression, and even alcohol issues. I was spending my life just trying to get through the day. She gave me hope, encouragement, and confidence that enabled me to change my life.…

N.O’Keefe, Plymouth, MA

Rosemarie and I belong to the South Shore Women’s Business Network. I have known her for many years. We recently car pooled to Natick for a conference and during that time Rosemarie mentioned she did remote energy clearings and how effective they are. I asked that she do one for my son who was very depressed due relationship problems with…

Linda in MD

Living in my home for fifteen years there were many situations in which I would call “abnormal.” No one else besides myself living in the house experienced these things except for my husband who occasionally saw lights flickering. It was as if, I, alone, was being haunted. No one would believe me when I told them these stories. Some of…

MG, Plymouth, MA

I have been ‘Cleared’ several times by Rosemarie. I have a very stressful job as a fulltime nurse and mother of two very active boys ages 4 and 6 with more energy than I can handle at times. I work with people at the end of life leading up to their passing. Somehow, Rosemarie can ‘tune into’ my energy to…

MR..Marsheld, MA 

I know I was meant to meet Rosemarie. I remembered thinking as she first approached me that she was going to change my life for the better. I was waiting to talk to a gentleman whose mother is staying at a facility I work with. She thought she was coming to a marketing event there, but made a mistake about…

Tom McBrien

“My youngest son a senior in high school has been having trouble finding anything positive during this Covid time. School on zoom, high school hockey games shortened, no fans, no playoffs. A prom…not gonna happen. Add all that with the last year of your high school days and not have that interaction with your peers and the pressure of college…

Suzanne in CA

“About two months ago, I contacted Rosemarie to get an energy clearing. She came to me recommended by my sister who had positive results with her. I wasn’t sure if she could help me and I was a little nervous about it but I knew I had to do something because I was struggling. I felt hopeless and negative. I…

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