Pet Clearing





Have you adopted a rescue dog? These animals have been through a lot. Many have been abandoned or displaced, or may have lost their family due to natural disasters, tornados, floods, and fires. Many may have been abused or tortured by mentally ill people. All they want is to love their owner to whom they depend upon for their basic needs, but many people that are abusive just want to beat a defenseless animal because they have been taught to do so. These animals exhibit emotions that can be challenging to deal with because many, just as if they had fought in a war, have canine PTSD.
Dog lovers are a certain breed of people. They do anything for their pets. They love them unconditionally and this being the case they just want them to live quality lives without fear they may attack a member of the family.
Unless you are like the ‘Dog Whisperer’ you may not have the talent, patience or ability to understand what makes your dog tick. Just like people, dogs have adrenals where they hold onto stressors. Like humans they have the part of the brain called an amygdala. This is the part of a human and animal brain that reacts to the ‘fight, flight or freeze’ response.
Just like humans, they respond to ;Triggers’ like sounds, smells, words, and memories that have caused a disruption in their bodily functions. They react without analyzing the situation. Most often have separation anxiety or fear about being left alone because they were abandoned or made to live outside in unhealthy or dangerous circumstances.
Rosemarie has the ability to ‘tune in’ to the dogs brain, to remove any energy that has accumulated that is disrupting their ability to relax and interact with their family in a new, cohesive, productive way. She guarantees success and has helped people and their pets live in harmony and happiness!

I offer immediate remedy to resolve issue(s) causing discomfort held in the body/mind system. In order to take advantage of this powerful result, all that is needed is to copy and sign the ‘Disclaimer’ form and have a witness sign and print, legibly, your name and theirs, including their contact information and scan it to my cell at 508-468-4506.

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