Tom McBrien

My youngest son a senior in high school has been having trouble finding anything positive during this Covid time. School on zoom, high school hockey games shortened, no fans, no playoffs. A prom…not gonna happen. Add all that with the last year of your high school days and not have that interaction with your peers and the pressure of college and not knowing what the future will bring and will it ever return to the normal we knew. I reached out to Rosemarie and I said “Emergency” my son is at the brink of depression, hyperventilating and just hating what this pandemic has taken from him. Rosemarie calmed me down and performed the clearing that she has the gift to do on my son. No appointment, just a quick text and her work began. Hours later she let me know she finished and to see if there was any positive change in my son. The next day it was like a weight had been lifted. My son was energetic, wanting to take on some projects and actually had a smile on his face. The real test was when he woke in the morning he usually would just yell from his room for his mother to make him breakfast. This morning, the day after Rosemarie’s clearing, he actually go out of bed, came down the stairs, saw myself and my wife having coffee and he said in a kind voice “after u have your coffee can you make me breakfast”. Both our heads turned and said to each other “ is that the same kid we witnessed yesterday”. When I need help or relief beyond what I am capable of I next reach out to Rosemarie. I’ve known her for years and trust what she tells me and what she can do for me and my family to help.”

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