Linda in MD

Living in my home for fifteen years there were many situations in which I would call “abnormal.” No one else besides myself living in the house experienced these things except for my husband who occasionally saw lights flickering. It was as if, I, alone, was being haunted. No one would believe me when I told them these stories. Some of what I experienced is below: I randomly heard loud bangs against the drywall; mostly in the dining room and kitchen. I would look over expecting to see someone with their fist hitting the wall but saw nothing. These bangs were not daily but did occur on a regular basis. Sometimes, it would appear as if something heavy fell onto the fIoor but I never saw anything. I was not the only one who heard these. My mother was in my home one morning sitting in the living room. She said “did you hear that loud noise”? I replied yes. She asked where it was coming from and my response was “I don’t know.” The scariest time I heard the banging was the night after the electrician finished installing the track lighting placing the electrical boxes in the attic. Later that evening, my husband was taking a shower and I was sitting on the couch. Directly above where the track lighting was (in the attic) a series of very loud banging took place from one end of the track lighting to the other. As if to say, ‘why did you disturb my home, I’m mad at you!!!’ This was very frightening. I called for my husband who finished showering quickly, but by the time he arrived in the living room the banging had stopped. Many times when I was sitting alone in the living room at night while my husband was asleep, I would hear footsteps in the hall. I turned around expecting to see my husband up and going to the bathroom but no one was there. There came a time when I was afraid to be alone in my house. One insomnia night around 1 a.m. in the morning I lie there awake in bed trying to fall asleep I heard multiple voices mumbling in the attic. I could not believe what I had heard. I quietly awoke my husband but by the time he was awake, the voices had stopped. The last event, and this only happened once, was in the middle of the night when I made my routine bathroom trip. While sitting on the toilet I felt someone blow in my ear. I was far enough away from the vent near the floor so that was not the cause. CREEPY!! After some investigation my husband discovered that our ground was part of an 1850’s farm that was worked by slaves and POW’s. Our home was built directly on the land where the barn was located. There is a brick and block out building on our property which was part of the farm. My husband turned this into his workshop. He didn’t like being in there for long and couldn’t get much done before he had to leave. I had two serious accidents on the property from which I have fully recovered. There were times that I thought these accidents may have been intentional but doubted it. Since Rosemarie told me that we had seven entities, I now strongly suspect it was a spiritual event. Since Rosemarie cleared our property the house feels calmer, lighter and the nervous tension has disappeared. I have not heard any noises nor have any lights flickered. My husband says his shop feels more comfortable as he seems to get more done in less time. I still remain totally amazed that Rosemarie could take care of this problem for us, especially doing it remotely! Best money ever spent.

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